Camping with Children – 10 Tips for a Great Trip

Going on a camping trip may seem difficult enough for a group of adults. Proper planning is essential, from packing the right gear to making sure meals are planned. As a parent you may feel as though your camping days are through, or at least on indefinite hold, but this is not the case! Making a few simple adjustments and plans will allow you to share your love of the great outdoors with your child without any extra stress!

  1. Prepare in advance. You never leave home without a diaper bag or a supply of toys, nor should you do so if you?re on a camping trip. Make sure that you will either have enough supplies to last the trip or that you?ll be near a grocery store. Don?t stray too far from home and be sure to make it to your destination before dark. Setting up camp in the dark isn?t fun ? setting up camp in the dark with a nervous child is worse.
  2. Find the right campsite. Young children aren?t likely to adapt well to portable toilets or squatting in the woods. Make sure your destination has the essential modern amenities, including flushing toilets and a shower room. If a campsite won?t work, opt for a motel and then spend your days participating in camp-style activities such as hiking, swimming, and exploring.

  3. Plan your meals. Your food needs will depend on the age of your child. If you have to store formula or milk, you?ll need access to a refrigerator and/or fresh, drinkable water.
  4. Pack essential gear. You?ll need a playpen for bedtime and your toddler will need a walker as well. You might want to bring a backpack for carrying your child on your front or back without tiring out your arms.

  5. Prepare for the weather. Make sure you bring raincoats, sunscreen, bug spray, and extra layers of clothing. There?s no way of knowing how the temperature or weather will change while you?re out in the wilderness.
  6. Pack a first-aid kit. Make sure you have a basic first-aid kit. If you don?t want to make your own, you can purchase a pre-assembled kit. Antiseptic-wipes, band-aids, sunscreen, and bug sprays are essentials!
  7. Stick to a routine. Young children are used to their routines and you should try to stick as close to that schedule as possible. Try to keep nap times and bed times to the same time of day as you would at home.
  8. Plan Fun Activities. There?s no way you can plan every second of your child?s day in advance. Children love to explore, and this curiosity can keep them busy for hours. Even if your kids do get bored, most parks and tourist centers have coloring books and activities designed to occupy and entertain young children.

  9. Remain calm. It?s natural to worry about your child, especially in a strange place. Be vigilant, but don?t be smothering. Never let your child wander out of eyesight or go anywhere alone. Keep an eye out for poisonous plants or animals and study your terrain carefully.
  10. Know your limits. You are the only one qualified to determine whether or not your child is adapting to his new temporary environment. Make sure things aren?t overwhelming for you or your child and try to make modifications that will make your child as comfortable as possible. Most important, have fun!